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Blog, Healthcare


Case Study Healthcare The health ministry of an emerging country is in the process of upgrading their entire HIMS (Hospital Information Management System), including 700+ hospitals supporting their entire population of 22 million people. The ministry needed a centralized system to generate analytics for them The Problem The health ministry, wanted to have single view on the country’s health data to be able to provide better care at a much improved efficiency. They wanted to have reporting and analytics on data coming from hospital ERP/HIMS systems, lab information systems, medical devices that will have diagnosis data and smart card data of the entire population. It is a huge project on humungous amount of data generated from multiple batch and real-stream systems. The Solution BIRD using its strong data ingestion layer with more than 100+ out-of-the-box connectors and flexibility to build a new connector in <3 days, connected to multiple ERP/HIMS systems, databases with smartcard and medical diagnostic data. Using the mashup layer, the data from multiple sources is joined to build common data models that feeds into the reporting and self-service layer. As the project is a 3+ year rollout, the next phase is to develop advance ML models on top of this vast data. The Results • Created a single source of truth for data coming from multiple sources• Supports self-service analytics for Ministry, Hospital Admin, Staff and different other roles using BIRD as the common platform• Advanced geo-maps and drilldowns that enable user to start with a province to go to the street level data Multiple customizations were accommodated part of the solution rollout Download

Blog, Information, Technology

IT Services

Case Study IT Services The client is a public listed IT services management company, with customers in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Revenues close to half-abillion dollars (USD). The Problem The client has a sales team of 300 and a project services team of over 500, utilizing multiple data sources such as SalesLogix, SAP Project Systems, and internal systems to track their sales and project-related metrics. The customer needed a common platform that could allow multiple teams to analyze their data. Their existing reporting system was slow, lacked real-time capabilities, and did not offer the flexibility required for drill-downs, summary tables, or data governance. The Solution BIRD’s solution was customized to align with the client’s organizational hierarchy stored in their SalesLogix CRM database. We created over 200 complex formulas for summary tables with drill-down functionality. Using AI-enabled metadata crawlers, the mash-up feature, and advanced self-service tools, we implemented the solution in just 3 weeks. The solution has been running successfully for over 4 years. The Results 800+ users, including the executive team, are now using BIRD, with proper data governance established. High performance was achieved, meeting customer SLAs by ensuring that any report, regardless of volume, loads in under 5 seconds. We trained a few functional team members, who were able to train all other users through a train-the-trainer program. Additionally, we provided managed services for report creation, server maintenance, and upgrades. Download

Blog, Information


Case Study Master Data Management A US based technology product company, offered its highly rated MDM/PIM software to about 200+ customers spread across USA, Canada and Europe. Featured by Gartner and with significant presence in the Retail, Manufacturing, Energy and Healthcare sectors, the company rode a growth wave for about 10 years. The Problem The company needed a solution to quickly offer analytics on top of their product offerings. Their key requirements included: Flexibility: The solution had to cater to a varied client base with different needs. High Performance: Many of its customers handle large volumes of real-time data, necessitating a high-performance solution. Ease of Maintenance: The system needed to be easy to support and maintain.Additionally, the solution needed to be economically viable for both the tech company and its customers. The Solution The company chose to embed BIRD Analytics into its technology stack. With BIRD’s strong Big Data architecture, full-stack platform capabilities, and the ability to process thousands of columns of data, the company transitioned to the new solution in just a few weeks. The integrated solution—retaining the tech company’s branding—addressed all customer needs, from data preparation and visualization to real-time advanced analytics using ML models. The Results The combined offering immediately added value to the company’s existing customers. The company was able to sign new deals thanks to the enhanced solution. The integration process was seamless due to BIRD’s scalable, cloud-native architecture. The company also appreciated BIRD’s flexibility in adapting to their specific requirements and customizations. Download

Blog, Information, Technology


Case Study Internet of Things (IoT) The customer is funded by World Bank for a river cleanup initiative, by measuring air and water quality through IoT sensors deployed from the source of the river to the end. The ProblemThe customer deployed 1800+ sensors across a river’s origin to destination, to constantly measure air and water quality and had to upload data across various systems through webservices and in the process had to comply with World Bank norms for release of funds on an ongoing basis. The customer had to push the data from sensors in real-time basis (streams) to a centralized location for furtherprocessing. As the speed of data captured increased, customer faced multiple issues with their existing system and was looking for alternatives. The Solution • BIRD’s columnar store database is used, which can house millions of records with hundreds of columns, to ensure high data ingestion happens with proper queueing mechanism, so that there is no loss of data at any point in time• A multi-instance messaging/queueing solution is configured part of BIRD, is deployed, that is capable of ingesting 10000 messages per second of data generated from IoT devices• A landing dashboard and multiple dynamic reports were developed part of the solution to access sensor stations in real-time. The Results • A security driven common landing page was developed, for all users based on access given by administrator – which solved the problem of customer giving access to various vendors that were part of the sensor maintenance• Easy navigation from landing dashboard to individual station dynamic report is provided with camera zoom in/out view, helped in lot of automation• Real-time and historical reports for trend analysis is used by customer for complying to World Bank norms Download

Blog, Construction


Case Study Industrial-Automation The customer is a Fortune 500 company providing industrial automation and information technology, with an annual revenue of $6.3 billion. With over 100 years of existence, they are listed in the top 5 within their vertical. The company is publicly listed and headquartered in the USA. The Problem The customer manufactures PLCs and sensor devices for enabling industrial automation for clients such as major automobile and retail giants. Their IoT devices generate an enormous amount of data, but they lacked a solution to analyze real-time data from their PLCs. Building a product from the ground up to offer real-time analytics would take the customer at least 3 years. The Solution BIRD’s architecture is designed to handle both batch and real-time data. Its high-performance distributed columnar engine, along with multiple real-time connectors and messaging-driven architecture using Kafka/RabbitMQ, made it the perfect fit for the customer’s requirements. BIRD’s solution was deployed across 60 of their customer plants, processing data from more than 10,000 sensors. The Results Cost savings from proactive maintenance are estimated at approximately $1 million per plant. Savings from automation in the reporting process are around $300,000 per customer, with efficiencies gained in data preparation, report creation, and maintenance. Report generation time has been reduced from days or weeks to just minutes Download

Blog, Logistics

Manufacturing (Trucks)

Case Study Manufacturing (Trucks) Customer is an American Fortune 500 company and counts among the largest manufacturers of medium- and heavy-duty commercial vehicles in the world. Customer is engaged in the design, manufacture and customer support of light-, medium- and heavy-duty trucks. The Problem The customer, a 100-year-old company, leads in truck design and manufacturing, distributing their trucks through dealers. Currently, they use legacy software across various divisions to track business metrics. The customer has been losing significant money annually due to warranty claims on vehicles and parts across multiple models. Dealers have the potential to raise fraudulent claims, and there is no current system in place to detect these. Additionally, the customer has no way to forecast warranty claims and relies heavily on manual claim processing by a large team of agents. The customer is interested in automating these processes. The Solution BIRD conducted thorough exploratory analytics on the customer’s database to gain an in-depth understanding of the domain. After discussing potential use cases and problem areas with the customer, BIRD developed advanced predictive models to identify fraudulent claims using NLP techniques. The solution also automated claim processing and provided claim forecasting for better inventory management. Additionally, BIRD offered web service requests for these models, allowing them to be invoked directly from transactional systems. The Results Cost savings of approximately $675,000 per year were realized by reducing the number of claim agents through automated claim processing. Report generation time was reduced from 1 week to a few minutes as batch data processing was made real-time. Fraud avoidance and proactive alerts resulted in significant additional savings for the customer. Download

Blog, Finance


Case Study Stock Exchange A stock exchange in an emerging country, provides electronic trading platform, first of a kind in south asia. It has 296 companies representing 20 business sectors market capitalization of Rs. 3115.52 billion. The Problem The stock exchange’s primary challenge was implementing a scalable analytics solution that could support a large base of concurrent business users without compromising on speed or security. The IT department was overwhelmed by the volume of queries from various departments, as their existing reporting tool was difficult for non-tech-savvy users to navigate. Additionally, the solution needed to ensure the highest level of security due to the confidential financial information handled by the exchange. The Solution BIRD’s features, such as natural language processing (NLP) for report creation and auto-available drill-downs and filters, made it easy for business users to analyze data without relying on IT. This significantly reduced the IT department’s workload. BIRD also implemented stringent security measures down to the row level, ensuring the solution met the exchange’s rigorous security requirements in the financial domain. The Results Reduced dependency on the IT department for report creation, empowering business users to generate their own reports. Report generation time was reduced from 2 days to 2 weeks (depending on complexity) to anywhere between a second and an hour. BIRD’s scalable architecture can now support a very large number of concurrent users. Download



Case Study Government The client is a government body responsible for managing a state’s municipal administration. Their duties include collecting residential and commercial property taxes and addressing public grievances. The Problem The department sought greater transparency in tax collections, outstanding dues, and revenue trends across the state in near real-time. They aimed to build a core dashboard for top officials with drill-down features. However, due to the sheer volume of data, they struggled to aggregate and display trends effectively. The Solution BIRD developed a tailored cockpit dashboard for the client, offering pre-proceeding and post-proceeding scenarios with drill-down capabilities to an ‘n’th level. The dashboard also featured a drill-through function, providing near real-time access to billions of records. The Results Near Real-Time Insights: Top management received the core dashboard they needed in near real-time, enabling quick, fact-based decision-making. Robust Governance: A robust governance system was established, allowing dashboard access to ground-level staff responsible for tax collections. Root Cause Analysis: The solution helped top management understand and address root-level issues efficiently. Data Consolidation: The challenge of consolidating data from multiple sources was effectively resolved. Download

Blog, Information, Technology


Case Study Cloud Service Provider The customer is a leading cloud service provider with global offices. They recently outsourced their entire support functionality to a single outsourcing provider. The outsourcing provider sought our help in delivering a solution to the customer. The Problem Support tickets raised by millions of customers were captured using various ticketing tools like Jira, ServiceNow, Mantis, Zendesk, and others, depending on the vendor providing support services. As the customer consolidated their support functionality to a single vendor, they needed to unify the data from multiple sources to categorize issues, prioritize severity, and build knowledge bases and cloud automation tools. The Solution BIRD was deployed to integrate disparate data from multiple service providers. Numerous data quality issues were identified, and BIRD’s transformation services were effectively used to clean and unify the data, providing comprehensive ticket analysis. While the project was initially expected to take six months, BIRD enabled the development of a solution in under a month. The Results The customer successfully automated their support process, with full transparency in ticket analysis provided by BIRD. The previously complex task of consolidating tickets from multiple providers was made seamless through BIRD. Ticket classification and categorization are now handled efficiently and effectively. Download

Automation, Blog, Logistics, Technology

Human Resources (Chatbot Integration)

Case Study Human Resources (Chatbot Integration) The customer is a publicly traded company with global offices and with 70k employees. The customer is a digital transformation enabler and services company with head quarters in the USA. The Problem With 70,000+ employees spread globally, the customer faced challenges in managing HR requests, leading to higher employee attrition and dissatisfaction. The customer implemented a powerful NLP-driven chatbot (knowledge bot) to address this issue. However, they lacked the analytics component within the chatbot, which became critical for better decision-making. The Solution BIRD’s architecture was built to integrate seamlessly with third-party applications, including chatbots. APIs were exposed to authenticate and authorize users with the appropriate permissions, enabling real-time execution of NLP queries within BIRD. BIRD’s NLP capabilities were used extensively to convert English-driven questions into SQL queries, fetching real-time results for users to aid decision-making and allow further exploration through the chatbot interface. Data and visualizations were dynamically served from BIRD to the chatbot. The Results Significant cost savings due to automated analytics, reducing the need for human intervention. Real-time insights provided through the chatbot interface, enabling better decision-making for the customer. The customer was able to implement end-to-end governance into the chatbot using a powerful API-driven authentication and authorization mechanism, particularly critical for HR-related processes. Download

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